Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Week In Moments

This past week I have been working on my timing a little (ninja photo skills and all that), so these next few pictures are really nothing to look at except to note that I was doing a moment anticipation exercise while the boys ran matchbox cars down the eight foot ramp. I was shooting with a very narrow depth of field and low light, so these are the few shots that turned out anywhere close to clear.
Okay, so none of them are really clear.

I had the opportunity again to take pictures with Alicia during a couple of her sessions over the past week or so. This little guy was just fifteen days old and we had a nice time taking pictures of him and his mommy.

And this family was a joy to be with. Aren't little red shoes on little girls the bestest?

Oops. How did these pictures get in here? Oh, I remember. These are a couple of shots of a bathroom I drywalled, taped and textured last week. Looks like I need to go to realtor photography school!

I made a gardening box in the back yard and helped fill it with dirt. The boys also helped.

Jamin and Mailli have been working with their mom on some sewing projects lately. Alicia has the nesting urge bigtime and was in a serious sewing production mode for awhile there. Now she is going into a different kind of production mode.

I love summer-type weather. I got the above picture in two tries. It is straight out of camera. The one below is at Dry Bridge Park on Sunday night after a "fishing" trip. I did adjust the exposure and the blacks somewhat in Lightroom. I really like my family.

We are going into the "Any Day Now" mode regarding our new baby's arrival. If I skip a week or two of posting, I will hopefully make up for it with some SPECIAL DELIVERY pictures.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wait Ten Minutes

I had the privilege of shooting an engagement session with Alicia during the end of March. We will be taking wedding pictures for this young couple this summer and I am looking forward to it very much. Here are a few of the pictures I took during the shoot.

I have also been spending some time out at my Grandma's place at Echo Lake and, as you can see from the following pictures, the snow is almost gone. I finished texturing the drywall inside, and I put up a little housewrap and trim as well this past week. I am excited to see some work days when everyone who can is able to come out and pitch in.

The next three pictures are of the lone crocus out front of the house we live in. The first picture is the morning after a snowstorm around March 30th, and the second and third pictures are during a snowstorm a week later.

Like they always say, if you don't like the weather in Montana, just wait ten minutes. And if you do like the weather, get ready for it to change anyway.