This past week I have been working on my timing a little (ninja photo skills and all that), so these next few pictures are really nothing to look at except to note that I was doing a moment anticipation exercise while the boys ran matchbox cars down the eight foot ramp. I was shooting with a very narrow depth of field and low light, so these are the few shots that turned out anywhere close to clear.
Okay, so none of them are really clear.

I love summer-type weather. I got the above picture in two tries. It is straight out of camera. The one below is at Dry Bridge Park on Sunday night after a "fishing" trip. I did adjust the exposure and the blacks somewhat in Lightroom. I really like my family.

We are going into the "Any Day Now" mode regarding our new baby's arrival. If I skip a week or two of posting, I will hopefully make up for it with some SPECIAL DELIVERY pictures.